Category: Conferences
Kevin’s Books
One of the great friends that I made in my time at Vanderbilt University was Kevin Blount. Kevin knew all the graduate students and professors, and often hosted dinners and movies at his nearby apartment. Kevin ended up writing his Ph.D. dissertation On the Structure of Residuated Lattices with Constantine Tsinakis, and moved on to…
Math Conference photos
Going through some old papers, I found the following conference photos from Fall 1996 Fields Institute, Algebraic Model Theory Program July 1-10, 1998, XI Simposio Latinoamericano Lógica Matemática, Mérida, Venezuela 1998 Szeged Conference on Lattices and Universal Algebra
An Interesting Prime Number Fact, Rubik’s Cube and the Gömböc
In the summer of 2010 I traveled to Hungary for the 25th anniversary reunion of the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics program, and had the pleasure of seeing the inauguration of another study abroad program for computer science, the Aquincum Institute of Technology. The interesting part of the ceremony was a series of mathematics talks to…
Poster Sessions
After completing a research project or making a mathematical discovery of some sort, it’s important to communicate your results. One nice way to do this is with posters. If you’ve never made a poster before, it’s simply a collection of boxes that tells a story, in this case, your mathematical research. It should tell a…
Creativity in Mathematics: Inquiry-Based Learning and the Moore Method
I just viewed the recent video on the Modified Moore Method (MMO), also known as Inquiry Based Learning (IBL). Creativity in Mathematics: Inquiry-Based Learning and the Moore Method This video features interviews with MMO practitioners, researchers and students. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many of them at various Legacy of R. L. Moore, which…
MathFest! 2011 in Lexington, KY
This year’s MathFest will be in Lexington, KY in early August. I’m going to present a talk about Math Circles in the Hudson Valley at the Fostering, Supporting and Propagating Math Circles for Students and Teachers session. I’ll also be presenting the teachers’ math circle session with my talk on the game of Nim. Both these…
Brown University SUMS
Saturday, March 5, 2011 The Brown University Symposium for Undergraduates in the Mathematical Sciences (SUMS) has been held annually since 2002. The symposium’s goal is to foster greater undergraduate interest and scholarship in mathematics by demonstrating the ubiquity of mathematics throughout the sciences. The conference also provides an evironment in which motivated undergraduates can…
Hudson River Undergraduate Math Conference (HRUMC)
April 16th, 2011 Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY. This conference is very large and many of the talks will be accessible to first year students. Many students in the past have attended and/or given talks at this conference. The conference runs from about 9:30am-5pm, and includes free breakfast and lunch. Skidmore College is a 1.5…
NYMC Summer Workshop 2011 at Bard College
Join us at Bard this summer for a week-long residential program focused on the investigation of inequalities and optimization. Enjoy an environment of creative and insightful mathematical problem solving for middle school and high school math teachers who wish to deepen their mathematical understanding. No prior experience with inequalities required, just an interest in doing…
Spring 2011 Meeting of MAA Metro NY Section
Spring 2011 Meeting Sunday, May 1, 2011 Stony Brook University Invited Speakers: Aparna Higgins (University of Dayton): Demonic Graphs and Undergraduate Research Peter Winkler (Dartmouth College): Puzzles You Think You Must Not Have Heard Correctly