I just read the following online article: Why Use IBL? and wanted to note the link for later use. This is a great summary of the history, use and effects of Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) in the classroom, and its undergraduate-level cousin, the Modified Moore Method.
My approach to teaching has evolved along with the use of IBL. My work is to develop material to guide my students’ exploration, and then to facilitate their mathematical investigations.
In my current work, I teach two graduate level courses. One is an Abstract Algebra course where I guide my students to reconstruct and understand an unusual proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra first developed by Euler and others. This course is a delightful collection of topics connected by several themes, including problem solving, the connections between graduate level mathematics, use of historical mathematical documents and the school curriculum, and of course, the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. The other course is a Real Analysis course, which makes use of my modification of Mahavier and Mahavier’s Analysis problem sequence. We don’t have much time, so for this course my personal goal is that the students prove the Intermediate Value Theorem from the ground up.
I liked reading the Why Use IBL? article I mentioned in the first paragraph, so now I intend to make it required reading for my students as they start the Analysis course.
This year’s G4G, or Gathering for Gardner, Celebration of Mind II, falls on Friday, October 21. This is the second G4G since Martin Gardner passed away on May 22, 2010, and the G4G is intended to celebrate his life and work.
The short answer is no, but I think that Wikipedia is an excellent first stop on your way to find better sources.
Move towards the source: Ideally you should cite primary and secondary sources in your work, but Wikipedia might be considered tertiary or even more remote. However, most Wikipedia entries are compiled by knowledgeable human beings who are aware of primary and secondary sources, and prepare excellent reference sections.
One of my favorite sketches in the Monty Python film, The Meaning of Life, is of a middle-aged couple (completely lacking any intellectual curiosity) who have an awkward and scripted conversation.
The waiter tries to interest them in conversations about minorities, football, baseball, and finally manages to start them on a conversation about philosophy.
You can read the conversation here at the movie script site www.intriguing.com.
This sketch came to mind last week when my MAT students and I discussed conversations in class. They told me why they value conversations in math classes, and we considered two math ed articles:
This article which is based on two case studies, seems to be a reaction against the (then) recently released NCTM Principles and Standards which admonished teachers “not to tell”. Chazan and Ball are eager to describe many classroom circumstances where it is completely appropriate for teachers to take the lead and actively direct the class.
Chazan and Ball leave with three considerations:
Mathematical Value in Relation to Students – does the current student discussion have significant value to the students’ understanding of mathematics? Not all conversations are valuable.
Direction and Momentum – is the conversation at the right pace and level? The waiter in the Monty Python sketch recognized that the couple’s conversation was going nowhere, and helped them get started. The results were, well… let’s say better than before the intervention. A teacher can keep a conversation going at the right pace and at the right level of intellectual challenge for the students.
Social and Emotional Tone – part of the classroom culture is how students treat and respect each other. I’ve seen classes where the students are downright mean to each other, and nobody is willing to take intellectual risks. Luckily, the opposite is true in most classes I visit, and a lot has to do with how the teacher intentionally created the supportive and cooperative atmosphere.
The second article we looked at was more recent, and directed towards teachers taking their first steps at facilitating rich mathematical discussions in class.
Orchestrating Discussions, Margaret S. Smith, Elizabeth K. Hughes, Randi A. Engle, Mary Kay Stein, May 2009, Volume 14, Issue 9, Page 548.
This article presents a framework for teachers in the context of a discussion that follows a student activity on proportional reasoning. The five steps to a successful discussion are:
Anticipating – as part of your planning, imagine different ways that your students could successfully approach the task, and what misconceptions or difficulties they might have. Write these down and have it with you during class.
Monitoring – as you circulate around class during the activity, intentionally monitor your students’ work and identify which students are using the strategies that you’ve anticipated. This frees you up from having to think too much in the moment, since you’re prepared for most of what will happen. It also means that you’ll have more energy to focus things that you have not anticipated.
Selecting – the authors recommend against a show-and-tell style discussion. Instead, carefully select which student work you’d like to highlight, and have a reason to do so.
Sequencing – now that you’ve selected which student work to highlight, the order that the class shares it in is just as important. One possible trajectory is from the simplest strategies to the most abstract, but it’s important to plan a sequence.
Connecting – as the class discusses their solutions, the teacher can make explicit mathematical connections for the students and highlight certain aspects of the material. After the activity, the students are primed for assimilating the new knowledge and connecting it to what they already know, so here is where the teacher can maximize the benefit of the activity.
Favorite Quote
My favorite student comment is that all of this is just plain common sense. That’s how I see it too – that once you’ve read through this article, it’s pretty much self-evident that this is a good way to plan for the discussion after an activity. No controversy here.
Common sense may be a revelation to some, but it might be too often overlooked, and it is useful to hear it once in a while, especially as we get our start in teaching! What is your favorite common sense advice in teaching?
One of the many special things about the Bard MAT Program is just how much time students spend out in the schools, allowing for a gentle development of their skills and understandings as teachers.
Now that September is nearing an end, the MAT students will soon scatter around the neighborhood, to the nearby classrooms at some of our partner schools. Here’s a map I made of the placements:
One of my greatest accomplishments in the 2010-2011 school year was to organize the Bard Math Festival and the Pi Day Celebration with my MAT math students and my colleague Ben Blum-Smith.
Each of the MAT students (we call them “candidates”) selected several possible math activities, and an ongoing activity over each quarter was refining the selection, and developing and polishing the lesson. The format was simple – one math experience for 4 or 5 students in 10 minutes.
Here are some electronic resources that we found very helpful. I plan to list some print resources and other sources of inspirational math activities in later posts.
What are your favorite math activity resources? Please leave a comment!
I’m preparing for the fall math teaching lab, which starts on Wednesday, September 7th. Last year, I co-taught this class with my colleague Ben Blum-Smith, and we planned the course on the belief that mathematical problem solving is the heart of mathematics. The guiding questions we used were
What’s Motivating about doing Mathematics?
How do we Thrive and Grow Mathematically?, and
How do we Create a Community of Doing Mathematics?
We also worked with our students to envision, plan and implement the Bard Math Festival. Each of our students selected and developed a short and inspirational math activity for 4 or 5 students, and we invited math classes from the three schools in our building to participate.
Fall 2011
This year is going to be a bit different; most significantly, Ben has started graduate work at NYU. (I hope that he can come visit the lab a few times!) There is also a push to coordinate all the teaching lab courses (Mathematics, History and Literature) and to focus them on the teaching placements. Many of the texts that we’ll be reading are geared towards classroom conversations – developing and maintaining high level discourse in the classroom, and I’ll try to include a small project on math education (the mini-CRP). Some things will have to be dropped, but I plan to keep the Bard Math Festival, which meant so much to last year’s students as well as children and teachers in the schools we work with.
I’m excited to announce that I’ll present the demonstration Teachers’ Math Circle Class at MathFest!
For those not in the know, MathFest is the biggest and best national summer math conference, organized by the Math Association of America (MAA). There will be many activities sponsored by the Special Interest Group on Math Circles for Students and Teachers (SIGMAA-MCST) including two contributed papers sessions, a math wrangle and demo classes for students and teachers.
My demonstration class will be my talk on Nim and Jim, which I blogged about here in April. Every time I presented this activity about impartial games it gets better and more interactive. So if you’ve seen it before, you’ll have a lot of fun, but if you’ve never seen it, then you’re guaranteed to have a great time!
MathFest this year is August 4-6 in Lexington, Kentucky.
Two interesting blogs that I follow are called, respectively, The Science Babe and mathbabe. No, neither of these blogs are prurient websites that are weak on content. Instead, they both seek to reclaim the terms from websites that are.
The Math Babe is none other than Cathy O’Neil, a Ph.D. Number Theorist who left academia about four years ago for industry. She blogs not only about being a female mathematician, but also the mathematical techniques and tools that she is acquiring right now in industry. I do hope that she blogs about Number Theory too, although it’s exciting to read about how she is mastering Python and R.
A recent post that I find interesting is about Working with Larry Summers. Summers was the president of Harvard University between 2001 and 2006, who resigned in disgrace after the bad publicity generated in part by his comments about women’s aptitude in mathematics. After this, he worked at D.E. Shaw, which is where Cathy got to work with him. His project there was apparently to chase dumb-money. Any profit involved was at the cost to pension funds that many of us hope to retire on. Yuck!
Now, how about the Science Babe? Let’s save that for another post!