Teachers’ Math Circle Talk at Math Fest

Photo Credit: Rusty Rogers

I’m excited to announce that I’ll present the demonstration Teachers’ Math Circle Class at MathFest!

For those not in the know, MathFest is the biggest and best national summer math conference, organized by the Math Association of America (MAA). There will be many activities sponsored by the Special Interest Group on Math Circles for Students and Teachers (SIGMAA-MCST) including two contributed papers sessions, a math wrangle and demo classes for students and teachers.

My demonstration class will be my talk on Nim and Jim, which I blogged about here in April. Every time I presented this activity about impartial games it gets better and more interactive. So if you’ve seen it before, you’ll have a lot of fun, but if you’ve never seen it, then you’re guaranteed to have a great time!

MathFest this year is August 4-6 in Lexington, Kentucky.