Roundtables at East Side Community High School

I just got word from Tom Mullen, the AP at East Side Community High School, that the roundtables are back! Here’s the link to sign up:

Clicking on the above link brings you to the description and schedule below. I’ve been attending the round tables for several years, and they are definitely worth attending.

East Side Community School’s January 2011 Roundtable Presentations

Thank you for your interest in participating in East Side Community School’s Portfolio Roundtable Presentations. These 6th through 12th grade presentations are an authentic and powerful way for our students to demonstrate what they have learned this year. Your participation makes the experience even more meaningful and rewarding for our students. Roundtables run from Friday, January 21 to Friday, January 28. If you would like to participate, please complete the form below. You will get to choose the date, subject, grade level, and the time of the presentation. Feel free to sign up for as many presentations as you like. If you have colleagues who would like to attend, please have them complete the form or you may complete the form for them. Once you complete the form, you can assume that you are confirmed for that time slot (no confirmation email will be sent). East Side Community High School is located on 11th St. between 1st Ave. and Ave. A. You may go to the main office on the second floor to find out your room number. Please arrive a few minutes before the presentations begin. The following presentations take place on the days below:

  • Friday, 1/21: 9th Physics; 10th History; Algebra 2; 12th English 
  • Monday, 1/24: Algebra; 10th English; 11th Biology; 12th History 
  • Tuesday, 1/25: 11th English; 10th Chemistry; Pre-Calculus; Calculus, 9th History; 7th English; AP English 
  • Wednesday, 1/26: 9th English; Geometry; 8th Science; 6th Science; 7th History 
  • Thursday, 1/27: 6th English; 12th Science PBATs; 8th Math; 7th Math; 11th History 
  • Friday, 1/28: 6th Math; 8th English; 7th Science; 8th History  

If you would like to participate complete the form below. If you have any questions, contact Tom Mullen, Assistant Principal, at or (212) 460-8467 x3152.