NY1 News Article about the New York Math Circle

The New York Math Circle was recently featured on NY1 (“NYC’s 24-hour newschannel on the web”). Check out the video here:

Bonus Curriculum Is Greatest Common Factor For Local Math Masters

Many thanks to TV reporter Shazia Khan for pursuing this topic! She got in touch with the New York Math Circle (NYMC) and I helped coordinate the filming. What came out in the video was filmed in late October, and shows an amalgam of the middle school and high school classes that day.
I learned a lot about how much effort the parents make to get their children to these high-quality math enrichment classes. Some devote their entire Saturdays to shuttling their children from activity to activity, and see it as an investment in the future.
There was one notable exception that truly impressed me – one of the middle school students takes the subway train all the way from the Bronx for class on his own. He was clearly having a great time at the class, and it completely shows in his interview. Can you spot him in the video?
The TV news reporter, Shazia, also had a lot of fun visiting the New York Math Circle, and is interested in covering further stories in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Eduction. You can see more of her videos here: Shazia Khan news clips
If you know of a good story for Shazia, please leave a comment, and I’ll make sure your idea gets passed on!


4 responses to “NY1 News Article about the New York Math Circle”

  1. Sue VanHattum Avatar
    Sue VanHattum

    Am I missing something? I don't see a link to the video…

  2. The Math Wizard Avatar
    The Math Wizard

    Hi Sue!

    The link is a bit hidden in the next title.

    Here's the direct link:


  3. The Math Wizard Avatar
    The Math Wizard

    I just added a small picture to make it easier to find.

  4. Sue VanHattum Avatar
    Sue VanHattum
