Bard Math Circle in Kingston

View of the Kingston Library
Kingston Library at 55 Franklin Street, Kingston, NY 12401

Bard Math Circle meets in the Kingston Library

The Bard Math Circle will host math activities in Kingston every second Saturday this fall, 1pm to 3pm.
Each session will include time for puzzles and games, creative mathematical problem solving, and a hands-on math activity with a take-away.
Meetings this fall: 1pm to 3pm on each second Saturday (September 11, October 9, November 13 and December 11) at the Kingston Library (55 Franklin Street, Kingston NY, 12401).
First meeting: 1pm to 3pm on Saturday, September 11, 2010.
Here is the library press release and posters:
What is a Math Circle?

According to the National Association of Math Circles,

Mathematical Circles are a form of education enrichment and outreach that bring mathematicians and mathematical scientists into direct contact with pre-college students. These students, and sometimes their teachers, meet with mathematical professionals in an informal setting, after school or on weekends, to work on interesting problems or topics in mathematics. The goal is to get the students excited about the mathematics, giving them a setting that encourages them to become passionate about mathematics.

This is certainly the case! The Bard Math Circle is hosted by Bard College mathematicians and math majors, and seeks to work directly with middle school students (although everyone is welcome) who already enjoy mathematics. Bring a friend along, and they may fall in love with math too.